The brilliant cut is a classic. This variation has slightly broader P2 pavilion main facets that are easier to cut than the original very thin slivers.
Overall, this stone follows the same process as the simple 13 stone, but has more facets per tier and an extra tier for both crown and pavilion.
Cut the P1 to a temporary center point to allow you well aligned girdle facets. You need sufficient material to do this; the P2 mains will create the final culet. Many designs use the method to allow for well aligned stones.
On the crown you will note that the C2 facets touch every other girdle corner, but otherwise cut similar to the C2 facets in the prior design.
C3 facets meet 4 other facets, look often to not overcut these. A precise girdle will make this step easy (or really frustrating if your girdle has some over/undercut girdle facets).
After you polish the table, you may need to touch up the C3 break facets.
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